Spanish Meal: Spanish Crema Catalana

2 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
2 1/2 c whole milk (set aside 2 tbsp to dissolve the cornstarch)
A large slice of peel from a lemon and an orange (I used a vegetable peeler)
1 cinnamon stick
5 large egg yolks
1/2 c white sugar
Additional sugar to caramelize on top
Place milk, citrus peels and cinnamon stick in a small saucepan and slowly bring to a boil.
Dissolve the cornstarch in the 2 tbsp of milk that was set aside.
Mix egg yolks and sugar and beat until pale yellow in colour. Add the dissolved cornstarch and a couple of spoonfuls of the hot milk.
Remove the peels and cinnamon stick, and lower the heat. Slowly add the egg mixture, keep stirring so the eggs don' scramble. Stir constantly over low heat until very thick. Remove and pour into ramekins or small dishes. Allow to cool, then cover the tops with plastic wrap and chill at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
Before serving, let it come to room temperature, sprinkle the top with a thin layer of sugar. Caramelize with a small kitchen torch until sugar is dark in colour. Let sit until sugar hardens.