Recipe: Filling Fibre Pancakes
Foodsmiths Recipe by Deb
One day in our Natural Body Care dept. at Foodsmiths we were discussing sugar and the need to cut down on sweet treats. Our manager, Deb, who is very sensitive to sugar, admitted that she has a huge sweet tooth! Her way of handling sugar cravings was to cook up her special pancakes in the morning. "They fill me up so completely I don't eat again until dinner." said Deb. "And I satisfy my sweet tooth with a splash of maple syrup on the pancakes. Because I combine lots of fibre with the sugar in the maple syrup, I don't have a reaction to the sugar like I would if I ate a cookie." Deb's recipe has an added bonus: the pancakes puff up nice and thick!
You will need...
- 1 cup Coyote Brand Pancake Mix in Flaxseed
- 2 tbsp Healthy Heart Mix (available in our bulk)
- 1 scoop unflavoured or vanilla protein powder (optional)
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1/4 cup Greek or Skyr Yogurt
- 1 egg
- 1 large tbsp coconut oil, melted