On any given day in the summer, you will find Titia Posthuma in her 1 acre market garden, barefoot, working the soil, pulling weeds, watering the huge variety of organic crops she grows, or picking heritage vegetables chosen for flavour.
This year, Canada's National Organic Week runs from September 19-27. The largest annual celebration of organic food, farming, and products across the country, Organic Week showcases the benefits of organic agriculture and its positive impact on the environment. Food has become a cultural driver in North America. Consumers are being asked to think about their food a lot more, to "think before we eat." That new food awareness is driving a clear movement to form connections and focus on the community around food. Knowing where our meal comes from gives us a sense of confidence and traceability in our food choices. Adding the benefit of organic provides another level of accountability and assurance that we are consuming an ethical, healthy...
We believe the cultivation of GMOs and their presence in our food supply pose a significant potential threat to human and animal health and to the environment. The development of GMOs is fundamentally contrary to our vision of a sustainable future.
Organic is the only non-GMO standard overseen by the Canadian government — organic standards forbid the use of GMOs in seeds, in animal feed, and in the ingredients of processed organic food and products.